General conditions of use of the Mymax France website
applicable from 25/11/2021
These general conditions are applicable between Mymax France, published by Mymax, Simplified joint stock company, share capital: €300,000.00, registered with the RCS of Meaux in France on 08-04-2016, under number B 819 573 122, registered office: 11 Rue Louis Fournier 77100 Meaux, telephone: 0160095585, email: sav@mymax.fr, intra-community VAT number: FR44819573122 VAT not applicable, article 293B of the CGI.
“Client”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, registered on the Site.
“ Contents of the Site”: elements of any kind published on the Site, whether or not protected by intellectual property rights, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams, structures, databases or software.
“The Publisher”: Mymax, a simplified joint-stock company in its capacity as publisher of the Site.
“Internet user strong>”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, connecting to the Site.
“Product”: property of any kind sold on the Site by the Publisher to Clients.
“Site”: website accessible at the Mymax France URL, as well as sub-sites, mirror sites, portals and variations of Related URLs.
The Site is freely accessible to all Internet users. Browsing on the Site implies acceptance by any Internet user of these general conditions. The simple connection to the Site, by any means whatsoever, in particular via a robot or a browser, will imply full acceptance of these general conditions. When registering on the Site, this acceptance will be confirmed by ticking the corresponding box.
The Internet user acknowledges by the same token having read them fully and accepting them without restriction.
Checking the above box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature on the part of the Internet user. The Internet user acknowledges the value of proof of the Publisher's automatic recording systems and, except for him to provide proof to the contrary, he waives the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.
These general conditions are applicable to relations between the parties to the exclusion of all other conditions, and in particular those of the Internet user.
The acceptance of these general conditions assumes on the part of Internet users that they have the necessary legal capacity for this, or failing that, that they have the authorization of a guardian or a curator if they are incapable, their legal representative if they are minors, or that they hold a power of attorney if they are acting on behalf of a legal entity.
The purpose of the Site is the sale of Products to Customers.
The Site's customer service is available Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the following non-surcharged telephone number: 0160095585, by e-mail at: sav@mymax.fr or by post at the address indicated in article 1 of these general conditions. In these last two cases, the Publisher undertakes to provide an answer within 1 day.
6.1. Creation of the personal space
The creation of a personal space is an essential prerequisite for any order from an Internet user on the Site. To this end, the Internet user will be asked to provide a certain amount of personal information. Some of this information is deemed essential for the creation of the personal space. The refusal by an Internet user to provide said information will have the effect of preventing the creation of the personal space as well as, incidentally, the validation of the order.
When creating the personal space, the Internet user is asked to choose a password. This password constitutes the guarantee of the confidentiality of the information contained in the personal space. The Internet user is therefore prohibited from transmitting it or communicating it to a third party. Failing this, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for unauthorized access to the personal space of an Internet user.
The Customer undertakes to regularly check the data concerning him and to carry out online, from his personal space, the necessary updates and modifications.
6.2. Content of the personal space
The personal space allows the Customer to consult and follow all his orders placed on the Site.
The pages relating to the personal spaces are freely printable by the account holder in question